Academia, Leadership

A reminder from our friends in the AALS Balance & Well-Being Section for their Final Speed-Share Session


I hope everyone is enjoying our final weeks of summer!  I am writing to remind you that the *FINAL* session of the AALS Balance & Well-Being Section’s Summer Speed-Share Series will take place today Wednesday, August 9, at 3 pm ET. 

In this session, Practical Wisdom for Promoting Law Student Well-Being, students will share practical wisdom that helped them maintain and/or regain their well-being in law school, as well as advice for how law school faculty and staff can most effectively convey these insights and promote law student well-being.  The panelists will also share tips for supporting non-traditional students. 

You can register here: 

We hope you will join us!

 For more information, please contact Natalie Netzel ([email protected]) or Danielle Kocal ([email protected]).



Reimagining Law School

We write to share this invite from our colleagues in the AALS Balance & Wellness Section. Knowing their work and the topics of the discussion tomorrow align with our interests, I look forward to the conversation. 

I hope you are each having a wonderful summer! 

– Leah

AALS Balance and Well-Being Section Speed Share this Thursday, July 27, at 3:30 p.m. EDT.

In this session, Reimagining Law School, students will share concrete suggestions for administrators, faculty, and staff who hope to transform legal education to support student learning and well-being. Students will share descriptions of student-led organizations and initiatives that have succeeded in promoting well-being, inclusion, and belonging on campus and the myriad ways in which their lived experiences inform their vision for change in legal education.

The link to register is here:

We hope you will join us! 

For more information, please contact Natalie Netzel ([email protected]) or Danielle Kocal ([email protected])